Articulos Arbitrados 2015 Página de inicio de la colección


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 102
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
12-ago-2015Difluorenyl carbo-Benzenes: Synthesis, Electronic Structure, and Two-Photon Absorption Properties of Hydrocarbon Quadrupolar ChromophoresArtículoGabriel Ramos Ortiz; JOSE LUIS MALDONADO RIVERA14-mar-2019
12-ago-2015Difluorenyl carbo‐Benzenes: Synthesis, Electronic Structure, and Two‐Photon Absorption Properties of Hydrocarbon Quadrupolar ChromophoresArtículoGabriel Ramos Ortiz; JOSE LUIS MALDONADO RIVERA13-mar-2019
dic-2015Diffraction theory of binary amplitude and phase gratings with applications for Ronchi testArtículoAMALIA MARTINEZ GARCIA13-mar-2019
2-nov-2015Deterministic coherence resonance in coupled chaotic oscillators with frequency mismatchArtículoAlexander Pisarchik13-mar-2019
10-may-2015Detection of aromatic compounds in tequila through the use of surface plasmon resonanceArtículoDONATO LUNA MORENO; David Monzón Hernández13-mar-2019
15-jul-2015Design of Step-Index Optical Waveguides by Ion ImplantationArtículoGLORIA VERONICA VAZQUEZ GARCIA13-mar-2019
2015Current improvement in hybrid quantum dot sensitized solar cells by increased light-scattering with a polymer layer ArtículoTZARARA LOPEZ LUKE; RAMON CARRILES JAIMES; Elder de la Rosa Cruz13-mar-2019
27-jul-2015Controlling bistability in a stochastic perception modelArtículoAlexander Pisarchik13-mar-2019
25-feb-2015Compact wavelength-tunable actively Q-switched fiber laser in CW and pulsed operation based on a fiber Bragg gratingArtículoOLIVIER JEAN MICHEL POTTIEZ13-mar-2019
27-mar-2015Compact fiber-optic curvature sensor based on super-mode interference in a seven-core fiberArtículoALEJANDRO MARTINEZ RIOS28-feb-2019
14-abr-2015Coherence enhanced intermittency in an optically injected semiconductor laserArtículoAlexander Pisarchik25-feb-2019
31-dic-2015Characterizing the Statistics of a Bunch of Optical Pulses Using a Nonlinear Optical Loop MirrorArtículoOLIVIER JEAN MICHEL POTTIEZ25-feb-2019
21-ene-2015Characterization of Breast Cancer Tissue From a Rat Model With and Without Cancer: The Use of Raman SpectroscopyArtículoJUAN LUIS PICHARDO MOLINA; CLAUDIO FRAUSTO REYES25-feb-2019
25-ene-2015Axial loading verification method for small bones using carrier fringes in speckle pattern interferometryArtículoAbundio Dávila Álvarez; JOSE ENRIQUE ADRIAN LANDGRAVE MANJARREZ25-feb-2019
21-nov-2015Assessment on third order non linearity and other optical analyses of l-Asparagine Monohydrate single crystal: An efficient candidate for harmonic conversionsArtículoALEJANDRO MARTINEZ RIOS; Ismael Torres Gómez23-feb-2019
1-oct-2015Angularly-resolvedvariablewave-retarderusinglightscatteringfroma thin metalliccylinderArtículoRafael Espinosa Luna23-feb-2019
9-ene-2015Actively Q-switched dual-wavelength laser with double-cladding Er/Yb-doped fiber using a Hi-Bi Sagnac interferometerArtículoOLIVIER JEAN MICHEL POTTIEZ23-feb-2019
feb-2015A Schiff base derivative from cinnamaldehyde for colorimetric detection of Ni2+ in waterArtículoMARIO ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ RIVERA; Gabriel Ramos Ortiz; JOSE LUIS MALDONADO RIVERA; Marco Antonio Meneses Nava; J. Oracio Cuahtémoc Barbosa García22-feb-2019
21-sep-2015Single Tapered Fiber Tip for Simultaneous Measurements of Thickness, Refractive Index and Distance to a SampleArtículoDAVID MONZON HERNANDEZ-
11-nov-2015Phase-Sensitive Correlation Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer Using Quantum Phase Noise of Laser LightArtículoRODOLFO MARTINEZ MANUEL-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 102