Artículos arbitrados 2006 Collection home page


Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
1-May-2006Cooperative Luminescence and Absorption in Ytterbium-Doped Silica Fiber and the Fiber Nonlinear Transmission Coefficient at L=980nm with a Regard to the Ytterbium Ion-Pairs' EffectArtículoALEXANDER KIRIYANOV; YURY BARMENKOV-
17-Apr-2006Half-Quadratic Cost Function for Computing Arbitrary Phase Shifts and Phase: Adaptive Out of Step Phase ShiftingArtículoAMALIA MARTINEZ GARCIA; JUAN ANTONIO RAYAS ALVAREZ-
1-May-2006Photocrosslinking Using Linear Polyols in Xanthene Dye-Doped Polyvinyl Alcohol PlatesArtículoGEMINIANO DONACIANO MARTINEZ PONCE; CRISTINA ELIZABETH SOLANO SOSA-
24-Jul-2006Cooperative Luminescence and Absorption in Ytterbium-Doped Silica Fiber and the Fiber Nonlinear Transmission Coefficient at Λ=980 Nm with a Regard to the Ytterbium Ion-Pairs' Effect: ReplyArtículoALEXANDER KIRIYANOV; YURY BARMENKOV-
10-Oct-2006Path Independent Demodulation Method for Single Image Interferograms with Closed Fringes within the Function SpaceArtículoJULIO CESAR ESTRADA RICO; MANUEL SERVIN GUIRADO-
16-Oct-2006Very High Speed Cw Digital Holographic InterferometryArtículoCARLOS PEREZ LOPEZ; MANUEL HUMBERTO DE LA TORRE IBARRA; FERNANDO MENDOZA SANTOYO-
16-Oct-2006Double-Shot Depth-Resolved Displacement Field Measurement Using Phase-Contrast Spectral Optical Coherence TomographyArtículoMANUEL HUMBERTO DE LA TORRE IBARRA-
4-Sep-2006Microstructured Optical Fiber Coated with Thin Films for Gas and Chemical SensingArtículoULADZIMIR MINKOVICH; DAVID MONZON HERNANDEZ; AGUSTIN JOEL VILLATORO BERNARDO-
20-Feb-2006Endoscopic Pulsed Digital Holography for 3D MeasurementsArtículoFERNANDO MENDOZA SANTOYO; TONATIUH SAUCEDO ANAYA; MANUEL HUMBERTO DE LA TORRE IBARRA-
10-Jul-2006Effective Length of Short Fabry-Perot Cavity Formed By Uniform Fiber Bragg GratingsArtículoYURY BARMENKOV; Dobryna Zalvidea; Salvador Torres-
25-Dec-2006Phase-Locking Phenomenon in a Semiconductor Laser with External CavitiesArtículoFLAVIO RODRIGO RUIZ OLIVERAS; ALEXANDER PISARCHIK-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11