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Design of stable organic solar cells and perovskite solar cells using adhesives as encapsulants
Austine Amisi
José_Luis Maldonado
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Solar cells, Lifetime,
Although significant progress has been made to improve instrinsic stability of organic and perovskite cells, a consensus is building that device encapsulation is crucial to address extrinsic degradation resulting from external stressors. This study designed stable devices using adhesives, namely Norland optical adhesive 65 (NOA 65), NOA 71, and Ossila encapsulation epoxy (OEE), as encapsulants. The variation of four photovoltaic parameters with time was monitored. The results showed that in both devices, OEE provided the best encapsulation followed by NOA 71, NOA 65 came third, while the unencapsulated reference cells retained the lowest performance.
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